Clean and sanitize two pint mason jars. I sanitize by using the sanitize cycle on the dishwasher.
Bring a pot of water to boil (separate from the water listed above in the ingredients), and place rings and lids in the water to boil.
In a separate pot, combine water, vinegar, sugar and salt. Bring to boil.
In the bottom of pint jars, add dill, garlic and crushed pepper flakes. Pack jars with sliced cucumbers.
Pour brine over cucumbers, leaving a ½ inch head space. Seal jars with hot lids and rings. Flip jars over and allow to rest on counter for 24 hours.
After resting for 24 hours, store pickles in a dry, cool spot for at least three weeks before serving. Pickles will last a year to 18 months when stored properly.